Soccer Skills PRO system includes 7 training phases starting from 5 to 19 years old. It is in accordance with the education process which all children undergo. The categories are included in all the education.
Each age category has its objectives to be achieved. Going from one category to the other, continuity of objectives needs to be maintained, that is, completed material is only revised and followed by introduction to more complex classes. What is also important is that all coaches have an access to what has been done in the past, so they can pick up where they left off. At the initial stages of the training, main emphasis is laid on technical skills and after the age of 12, tactical preparation becomes really important. In each of these categories, players’ evaluation and their priorities are different. This way, we can easier evaluate the potential of a player at a given age.

Stage is characterised with a lot of spontaneity when it comes to playing football. Training is made mainly through fun games. Acquiring first technical elements connected with this sport discipline starts already in stage 1. Those are some simple elements resulting from child’s natural development and his willingness to possess the ball like for example dribbling or ball reception.

When children are 9-10 years old, their ability to focus increases and their movements become scarce and precise which has an impact on learning more complicated both technical and tactical elements. There is a progression of the intellectualization of activities (increased interest in the effects of the work, willingness to compete, satisfaction from having a good training).

Plenty of players are at the end of Stage 4 so their age 14 is a level of almost complete mastery of their technical skills. There is no doubt that the range of skills of the player should be on a very high level already allowing him at the same time to learn more and more complicated tactics issues. When it comes to physical preparation there is a more dynamic development of motor skills coordination. Additionally, this stage is characterised by high level of courage and activity, increasing ability of information receipt, unbelievable ease of learning even the most complicated movements.

There is a continuous improvement of already learnt technical elements, more and more tactics area plays even bigger role and the match determines the level of skills mastery by the players. Additionally, in this stage 6 appears a positional training which is targeted at tasks and expectations of each player playing on particular positions. When it comes to physical preparation, greater emphasis is placed on special strength as well as mastering already learnt motor reactions.