1. One coach on 4 players

Individual approach of training allows the players to increase their acquisition of the information and the coach can pass on more hints.

2. Nutrition+ Training + Regeneration

Nowadays, training is a process which lasts 24h and on a way to mastery it’s good to realise that the diet and regeneration is as important as training itself.

3. Complexity

Modern football is an extremely complex  game and it requires universality from the players; we work on it in our system by working on all phases of the game.

4. Everything is done with a ball

In Soccer Skills Pro system, all the trainings  include the use of ball which is an essential element of this sport.

5. From exercises to game

In the primary phase, the exercise allows the players to understand their basic objectives. Gradual progression of the exercise makes it more challenging and at the same time more developing. The last phase is any game which is a verification of previously done work.

6. Work + Rest

For each 7 minutes of exercises there are 3 minutes of active break (those proportions are specially made for Polish Soccer Skills by dr Piotr Wiśnik based on his research).Thanks to this dependence, for the entire duration of the training  based on Soccer Skills Pro system, player is constantly stimuyears olded which enables him to acquire the knowledge to the best of his ability.


The whole training process in Soccer Skills Pro system is based on mutual interaction between areas of physical preparation, technique, tactics and psychology.

8. Communication

They way players communicate with each other, the coach or parents is very important as it allows to differentiate players with high level of culture and intelligence.

9. Technique

Technique + Intelligence+ Coordination + Speed- player during the match must show all those traits. That is why the exercises in the Soccer Skills Pro system are built in a way which comprehensively develops the player in all those areas.

10. Details

Attention to detail is a key component of the Soccer Skills Pro system because nowadays it is the details that decide about the match success. Players need to understand that in order to be successful.

11. Consciousness

We want to educate the players which understand how hard one needs to train to become a global player.