
For 49 both female and male football players, we have individual nutrition plans designed under the watchful eye of the Polish Soccer Skills’ nutrition expert!

1. General information

  • Nutrition plans will be prepared by second-degree dietetics students of the University of Rzeszow under the watchful eye of the Polish Soccer Skills’ dietician.
  • Nutrition plans will be given to 49 people who correctly answer the questions.
  • The date for sending applications is valid until 09.10.2016.
  • The period for the project realization is since 01.10.2016 till 01.10. 2017.
  • Contact with the guardian:

2. Contest rules

The condition of participation in the contest is sending correct answers to the below questions, until 09.10.2016 to this e-mail address: From the submitted applications we will choose 49 winners.

3.The prize

The prize in this contest is an individually designed 7-days nutrition plan. It will be prepared by licensed dieticians under the watchful eye of the Polish Soccer Skills’ nutrition expert, Erwina Szymczyk.

Contest winners will be informed about the prize via e-mail till 12th October. The dates of designing nutrition plans will be established individually.