What is the demand for fats for a young active person?
It is believed that young athletes before adolescence will be more dependent on fat metabolism during exercise then adults. Fat intake should be in line with public health guidelines. The total amount should be between 25-30% of the daily caloric requirement. It should be remembered that for health benefits, it should not fall below 15% of the total caloric requirement.
Types of fats:
Not only the quantity but the quality of this ingredient is important. Fats from food are divided into four categories: trans fat, saturated fatty acids, and monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The group commonly referred to as bad fats includes the so-called trans fats and saturated fats. Consumed in excessive amounts can have a negative effect on the human body. Most of them come from animal products: beef, lamb, pork, poultry with skin, butter, cream, cheese or other high-fat dairy products. Trans fats can be found in fried foods and baked goods, such as pizza dough, biscuits and crackers.
A special role among them is played by unsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids. They participate in the process of building new cells, they are the key to the development of the central nervous system, and they improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Eating of fatty acids reduces inflammation, shortens the time of regeneration between exercises and reduces the appearance of pain after training commonly referred to as sourness of muscles. Avoid high amounts of fat
Source in diet:
nuts (various types), seeds of oilseeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flax, black cumin), olive oil and vegetable oils consumed cold, peanut butter, oily fish (salmon, cod).