Mobility versus stability

Perfection in preparation and physical training makes you a better football player. You have already learnt movement patterns on which you base while playing football. Now, it´s time to get to know the aspects of your body and movement.

Young´s organism work is based on dependence on mobility and stability. Appropriate relation between these two variables gives you considerable possibilities, however, on the other side, disruption in this sphere may limit you greatly. Motor control, that is, the way we move, comprise of:

  • mobility
  • stability
  • mobility on stability/controlled mobility
  • agility/ability

Mobility means an ability to make an effective movement.

Stability means an ability to stabilise new position and its control. It enables to keep strike a balance in a new position.

Mobility on stability or controlled mobility is an ability to make moves in a stable position.

Agility/ability is a possibility to move while maintaining specific relation between mobility and stability, in a way that the transition from one position to the other is fluent.

Relation between mobility and stability is very interestingly presented by the “Joint by joint” conception by dr Michael Boyle. Joints and segments of the body have a certain specification and requirements justified by a function. Talocrural joint is directed at mobility, whereas the knee joint is directed at stability. It means that the segments of the body are intertwining each other, represented by mobility and stability. The problems of the joint usually result in its blockage or stiffness. Under adverse circumstances, the joint aims at stability. Imagine that as a consequence of talocrural joint injury, a stiffness in this area occurs. Undoubtedly, it will transition to the knee joint, causing overextension of this area. This rule concerns the body as a whole and in order to help acquire it better,  get to know the “needs” of your joint and segments:

  • talocrural joint – mobility
  • knee joint – stability
  • hip joint – mobility
  • lumbar area – stability
  • pectoral area – mobility
  • scapulocostal joint – stability
  • shoulder joint– mobility

Knowledge of these principles will allow you to observe your body and pay attention to problems which could cause serious injuries. Remember, it’s better to prevent than cure!

PSS physiotherapy consultant, Bartosz Kot

Bartosz Kot, Physiotherapy