Polish Soccer Skills camp winners Summer 2016

We are really happy to announce the Winners of Polish Soccer Skills camps Summer 2016. From almost 4000 players who have taken part in the Polish Soccer Skills camps Summer 2016 we have chosen the best players of each age category based on the skills tests – the PSS Potentiometer.

The winners of  Polish Soccer Skills camps Summer 2016 are:

Category A1 (18-19 years old):
- Piotr Ogiński, Warszawa, mazowieckie

Category A2 (17 years old):
- Jakub Kostuj, Kraków, małopolskie

Category B1 (16 years old):
- Kamil Pędziwiatr, Bełchatów, łódzkie

Category B2 (15 years old):
- Wiktor Smołaga, Żerków, wielkopolskie

Category C1 (14 years old):
- Tim Schopinski, Brusy, pomorskie

Category C2 (13 years old):
- Aleksander Buksa, Kraków, małopolskie

Category D1 (12 years old):
- Mateusz Karol, Biskupiec, warmińsko-mazurskie

Category D2 (11 years old):
- Antoni Kulawiak, Jabłonka, małopolskie

Category E1 (10 years old):
-Oskar Droździk, Łękawica, śląskie

Category E2 (9 years old):
- Paweł Zastępa, Krapkowice, opolskie

Category F1 (6-8 years old):
- Jan Lepak, Zielonki, małopolskie


Category Girls:
- primary school (7-12 years old) – Marta Krukowska, Warszawa, mazowieckie

- secondary and high school (13-19 years old) – Julia Mordel, Józefosław, mazowieckie


Category Goalkeepers:
- primary school ( (7-12 years old) – Filip Piwowarczyk, Wadowice, małopolskie

- secondary and high school (13-19 years old) – Robert Jagiełło, Vinstra, Norwegia


Winners as their reward will go on a trip to Italy founded by the Polish Soccer Skills Foundation where not only will they visit the best clubs but also will have trainings with the Italian coaches. Camp winners will automatically be nominated to the Polish Soccer Skills Representation.

Congratulations and we wish you further successes!!!