Znicz Pruszków and SP Imielin Winter 2016 contest winners

In Polish Soccer Skills’ winter camps 2016 took part over 600 players from over 100 clubs and 150 schools.

The largest amount of players was represented by Znicz Pruszków club which has overtaken KKS Kalisz, Concordia Knurów, Legia Warszawa and ŁKS Łódź. The winner school is Primary School of Kardynał Stefan Wyszyński in Imielin which on the other hand has overtaken schools from Gdańsk, Kraków, Poznań or Warszawa. The winners will receive an award of:

  • 15 Adidas footballs
  • 15 Adidas match outfits
  • Polish Soccer Skills methodology training course
  • Complete Adidas training outfit with Polish Soccer Skills’ logo for 1 coach/teacher

Congratulations and we are pleased with such popularity of football in Pruszków and Imielin :)