7 minutes of training and 3 minutes of active recess 

Each unit of training lasts 90 minutes in cycles 7 + 3 

It is the proportion between work and rest, which must be obeyed during the Polish Soccer Skills sessions. Time of working differs depending on the level of intensity of the task, and then also the time of active resting is different.


Imitation of the real match conditions 


Recess during the Polish Soccer Skills training session is active. It is necessary to reduce the intensity of training, but at the same time to keep moving and improving the control over the ball, which is the fundamental ability for other aptitudes. Organism hydration is the most important aspect, because water is essential for the correct function of all the body cells, therefore: for temperature regulation, blood circulation and transport of nutrients and minerals to cells. We also dedicate some time to talk with the player about the training session (we describe the exercises whish are yet to do and we analyze the previous ones). 

Active recess


Recess during the Polish Soccer Skills training session is active. It is necessary to reduce the intensity of training, but at the same time to keep moving and improving the control over the ball, which is the fundamental ability for other aptitudes. Organism hydration is the most important aspect, because water is essential for the correct function of all the body cells, therefore: for temperature regulation, blood circulation and transport of nutrients and minerals to cells. We also dedicate some time to talk with the player about the training session (we describe the exercises whish are yet to do and we analyze the previous ones). 



A + B + C is the way of building progress through the games used by the Polish Soccer Skills. 

We begin with a basic version of the game, so the players have a chance of understanding organization and fundamental goals. Then, we introduce progress, which makes players focus on the improvement of the realization of tasks, and we observe the carefully all the game elements. In the ending faze we make players remember about what they worked on before, but in relation to the real game, players use all the learnt abilities in the specified moment (taking a decision in the right place and moment). The last faze we focus on the real game, which verify previous efforts.
